
The KGHypnobirthing method is a full ante-natal programme aimed at preparing mothers-to-be and their birth partners for birth. Women have been giving birth since the dawn of time and our bodies are designed to give birth and to do it well if we let it do its thing. Unfortunately, the scaremongering and normalising of birth as a traumatic experience has thrown a lot of us women off course and we have started learning not to trust our bodies. When we think about animals; who do not read magazines, watch 'One Born Every Minute' or have to listen through third hand tales starting "I know a woman who..."; they seem to give birth with no bother at all.   Hypnobirthing works on breaking the Fear-Tension-Pain cycle. This means if we learn how to release this fear and to instead relax, this reduces tensions in our body, which promotes comfort rather than pain whilst in labour. This enables women to have wonderful empowering, birth experiences which are a far cry from the difficult vision of birth we have learned that we must endure.

"We are the only species that can doubt its capacity to give birth. Think about that." - Ina May Gaskin

The course I teach is underpinned by scientific research, so you can trust that what you are learning is reliable and evidence based. You might be surprised to know that a significant chunk of the course is education on the physiology of childbirth and how to use this knowledge to promote comfort during labour and birth. Hypnobirthing will provide you with a range of techniques to enable you to reach a calm and relaxed state; though it is much more than a set of techniques to use during labour to help you to 'cope'. For example, in my personal experience of hypnobirthing, I did lots of practice relaxations during pregnancy; and then when it came to labour and birth it became apparent I had done all the hypnobirthing 'work' I needed to do as I felt calm and fearless, and so instead of using any techniques I just went with the flow and listened to a playlist of my favourite calm tunes (Though I must note that everyone's experience is different so anyone else would expect to have a different experience).

The 'hypno' part of hypnobirthing is perhaps not as unusual as it sounds. It is basically a way of achieving deep relaxation both in the run up to and during the birthing process, which in turn helps us to have more comfortable birthing experiences. Hypnobirthing works with a deep respect for the link between the mind and the body, acknowledging that if our mind is relaxed, then our body will work much more effectively. Through visualisations, relaxations, and breathing techniques we can prepare our minds and bodies to relax, enabling us have as comfortable birth as possible. 

Benefits of Hypnobirthing

  • You will likely experience a more comfortable or possibly even a pain free birth
  • There is a much reduced likelihood of requiring 'pain relief' or intervention which is optimal for both mother and baby
  • Your baby will be born in a more relaxed way into a more relaxed environment, ready to bond with you as nature intended (a great start for breastfeeding)
  • Length of labour is often shorter with hypnobirthing
  • Mums often 'bounce back' more easily both physically and mentally as the impact of birth is reduced
  • Birth partners feel needed and fulfil an important role during the birth. They learn how to support mums and this promotes a truly shared and loving experience

To hear more about what KGHypnobirthing is and the benefits, below is a short YouTube video which sums it up.

What you will learn:

  • An understanding of how the mind and body work together
  • How your body is designed to give birth with efficiency and comfort
  • How to release fear around childbirth and build confidence
  • To trust the instincts of your body (and baby) and it's inherent ability to birth your baby
  • The knowledge and information about how to get the best from the system you find yourself in
  • The powerful role of the father/birth partner (and what s/he can do)
  • Breathing exercises, deep relaxations, visualisations, and comforting massage
  • A simple practical regime to support you at home

"When you change the way you think about birth, the way you birth will change" - Marie Mongan